This week was good. Sometimes there is just not enough time in the
day.. Busy busy busy! We had stake conference so I got to see some
friends from the Farming-dale (Augusta) Ward, so that was really fun!
They were all happy to hear I was serving in the "golden branch" haha
I guess that's what other wards call it. I truly understand why they
do call it that. There are so many incredible people here. It just
continues to blow my mind. So loving, caring, and willing to help
others and to come to lessons with us. We rode down to stake
conference with the Stake Presidents wife, Sister Thomas. They are
such great people too! Crazy thing about my Stake President is that
his Mission President is our neighbor! Gerald Simmons, such a small
It's amazing to see how prepared this area is. We have some wonderful
people that we are teaching. We had a really neat experience last
night. So the Reynolds family found some friends that just moved to
town, they have invited them over a few times, and this last time they
invited them over and asked if they would be up to hearing a lesson
from the missionaries, and they said "yes!" They had us over for Cafe
Rio Sweet Pork Salad (you can imagine how happy I was!) we were able
to have a lovely dinner and get to know them. There were lots of kids
there, put together I think there was 21 people. After dinner one of
the members took all the kids downstairs and we were able to have the
first discussion with this sweet couple. We taught them all about the
restoration, and answered their concerns. They've just moved here and
we all feel like they were led to the church. They didn't accept
everything about our church, but I know with time, and prayer that the
spirit will work through them and great things will happen. I have
never had quite the experience like I had last night, but I am so
grateful I was able to be there. The members all shared their
testimonies and helped make it such a good night. I hope and pray with
all my heart that they'll accept this gospel and these blessings into
their lives.
I am a grateful that I have came to know the truthfulness of this
church. I have prayed with all sincerity to know what is true, and I
have received several confirmations, or tappings on my heart,
witnessing to me of the truth of this church. I know that Gods main
desire is for us to be happy, and that is why He's given us His Son,
the commandments and the gospel. I know that when we follow His
counsel and the Prophets counsel that we find indescribable joy from
loving the gospel. I know with clarity that this church has been
restored, it's true and complete. I know that Jesus Christ is our
Lord, Savior, and Redeemer. He is the Prince of Peace, The King of
Kings, The Author of our happiness. He has paid that eternal price for
us. I know that our Savior loves us perfectly, as does the Father that
sent Him. I'm grateful for a Heavenly Father who hears and answers my
prayers. I know with my whole soul that He listens. I know that Joseph
Smith had a humble prayer in a grove of trees and saw God the Father
and Jesus Christ. They called Him as a prophet and restored the exact
same church Christ established when He was here. I'm grateful for the
many restored truths that give us hope, and guidance in this world.
It's a blessing in my life to know that families are forever. I have
came to know that The Book Of Mormon, is the word of God! My whole
life I was told what a special book it was, and never took the time to
read it, but once I finally sat down and made the time to read it, I
realized just how special it truly is, it changed my life, and I know
that it can change anyone's for better. This is the church of Christ,
it is divine. Now is the time to prepare to meet God, and we can do
that through the Atonement of Christ, and by living His gospel that He
so freely has given us! I love you dearly, and I leave you my
testimony in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
-Sister Bee
The Assistants.. Such hard working Elders! |
The Sister Training Leaders in the mission! |
Sweet sweet Sister Holms. I love her with all my heart! She works in the mission office and sadly her mission ended Saturday so she headed back to Idaho. I am going to miss her sooo much! |
Oliver is the little boy of one of the sweet ladies we are teaching. This week during our lesson he comes running in the room with this stuck on his head. It was hilarious! haha he's such a cute boy. This investigator is AWESOME, and is really loving the gospel. Sadly she just has a work schedule that demands her working on Sundays, but it's changing in April! |
Fluff and moxie, two of New England's finest. Moxie, everyone loves here, to me it tastes like cough syrup. Haha but the fluff is delicious! Lots of Mainards put fluff and peanut butter on a sandwich and call it a fluffanutter. |