Dear loved ones..
How the heck are you?
Happy happy Labor Day :) we have a great day planned ahead of us. Beach, and lighthouse, which I already have butterflies in my tummy for. Then dinner at one of the best cooks in Berwick Maines home. Then last but not least, tracting! I'm excited for a fun fun day, and to have something out of the hamster wheel. Where we're going to the beach our email time is cut even shorter, so sorry for not replying to any of your personal emails... I'll be sure and do it next week!
This week was a pretty good one! I really do love missionary work, even though it can be very stressful and hard at times. Each week on Sunday I ask the sweetest old man how he's doing... And I get the same reply.. He always says "ohhhh doin better than most!" I really look forward to hearing those words each and every Sunday. What a simple but powerful line! It's always good to remember we're doing better than most. In life I think we all need to continue to remember if we all threw our trials in a bucket, and saw everyone else's trials, we would grab ours back in a heartbeat.
The work is doing sooo well right now! We have two solid investigators, and some really good potentials were teaching. We're also teaching the kindest less active, he's an African American man, and he has the best personality ever! He came to church yesterday, which was as exciting as ever!
Our investigator Debbie is still doing great. I was able to tell her about my baptism experience and how the day before my baptism day both myself and my mom were down sick. I still remember feeling so achey as mom and I laid in bed on Friday night. Heartbroken, thinking we weren't going to be able to make it the next day...My sweet dad decided to give both my mom and I a Priesthood blessing that we would both feel better for the baptism the next day. Little to find out we both woke up as healthy as a horse! I know that we were both feeling better because of that Priesthood blessing. I also know that God recognizes our righteous desires and will help us accomplish worthy things. As my sweet friend Debbie has been struggling with health problems, I was able to share that experience with her. Yesterday we got to watch Debbie receive her first priesthood blessing to help her to have strength for her upcoming baptism day. I do know that priesthood blessings are so powerful, and that they do work according to our faith. It's such a blessing to have the power and authority to act in the name Of God here on this earth today. I have also been able to see different things that God has given me, or had me go threw in life for me to be able to help certain people here. I know where God puts his missionaries is divinely inspired. I also know that where He puts any of us is divinely inspired. I know that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we see why things happen, but also there's times where it takes us 11 years down the road to see why Heavenly Father put something in our life's. Each of us is blessed with different talents and abilities to help bless others, and I'm so grateful for that!
We had a miracle happen this week! We had appointment set up on Tuesday with a former investigator. He was only taught 2 lessons in 2012, and then missionaries weren't able to ever get in contact with him again. I have tried checking up on him multiple of times, but last week we finally caught him home and found out that Tuesday evenings are his nights off. We had a member come with us to his lesson and he accepted it really well. He told us that three years ago he wasn't in the right frame of mind for church, but now he's ready to listen and come closer to God. It was a huge miracle to see this all take place. I was grateful for those missionaries who kept good records and wrote down his information in 2012. It was also a huge blessing to me too see that we don't always see the fruit of our labors! The good we do in life, is never ever a waste. Always keep trying, I know that as we plant the little seeds of love, hope, and kindness in this world, that someday they'll bloom :)
I heard an Elder this week say a quote that His mom sent him in an email that I really liked. I thought it would be good to share.. It's said to "Never let the sadness of your past and the fear of the future destroy the happiness of your present" I know we have a loving Heavenly Father that loves us and desires for us to be happy.. That's why we have our Savior and the glorious Atonement, so that we can all be happy in this life and in the eternities. So I invite you all to don't let past mistakes get you down, or the fear of making them again get you down either. Rely on the Lord and His help and desire for you to be happy! :)
Have a happy happy week! I love you all more than chocolate. (And that's a lot of love!)
Sorry for no pictures this week.. I grew a planet (a huge zit) on my chin, and when I say big I mean big. I also have big bags under my eyes from stress and sleeplessness. Haha so I figured it'd be a good week for no pictures. Lol
Oh our mission President asked us missionaries awhile ago to all read the Book Of Mormon all the way through in a certain amount of time. Today In my personal study I read 3 Nephi:11 when Christ comes down to the Americas. Man it gets me every time :) you all should read it this week! Seriously such a spirit comes with that chapter, and I get goose bumps on my arms. I know that Jesus is The Christ, and that He lives today. He's made it possible for us all to return to Him and Our Heavenly Father.
Love you much!
-Sister Bee
--Joke of the week.. What'd the fish say when he ran into the wall? .....Dam....
(I don't know if that's appropriate for a missionary to say, but I laughed) haha
(She did end up sending a few pictures! Yay!)
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A little thrift shopping |
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District P-day at the beach and lighthouse! |
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