This week was lots better.. woop woop!
So Monday night after a good P-day, we went to a members house for dinner. She made us some really good tacos and brownies. Her husband isn't a member, and that's usually how most households we eat at are here. We eat, and share a spiritual thought and it's so great! I feel like whether those husbands are members or not, they definitely feel the spirit when we're there.
Tuesday we had a busy day! Our appointment ended up canceling because he was sick. It was with a man named Elliot Kollman. Sweetest man ever! Missionaries had been working with him since 2011, and he finally got baptized the week before I came! I have met with him twice a week ever since I got here and we have been giving him lessons. He got the priesthood this week, which he was SO excited for! The way this guy gets excited about the gospel is insane, it brightens up my day to see and teach him. He kept saying "Sister bee, pinch me so I know this is real!" haha totally the coolest person ever. He really loves his cat, and they love to cuddle up with us as we teach. I love teaching at his house because he always has a warm fire on for us and is always excited to learn more! This day we also got cornered by some Jehovah Witnesses which was actually really crazy. They parked there car and jumped out, so there was no where for us to go. Haha Within 3 minutes they had left a pretty scary message with us, and had shared 3 scriptures about Satan. Right in the middle of them talking little sister bee just jumps in and say "Sorry we have got to go, we're running late for an appointment." I know that wasn't me that blurted that out of my mouth, and I'm so glad I had someone to help give me courage to say we had to go. My companion and I just laugh at everything, it makes things better. So we laughed the rest of the night about that one, and felt very grateful for what we know and to know we all have a loving Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ by our side.
Every Wednesday we have a district meeting and coordination. This District meeting was in Damarscotta Maine. Which was so fun! All twelve of us, two other sisters and the rest were Elders bore our testimonies on the Book Of Mormon and how it has strengthened us. I felt the spirit so strong! I know its true, I really do. I know as I study it every single day, my love for it becomes stronger. It gives me so much comfort and peace. For me I think it really did have to take me going on a mission for me to gain a strong testimony of it.
Thursdays we do service at the hospital in Maine and at the literacy center. At the hospital it was just orientation this week, but was totally wicked because we get free lunch! Everyone says wicked here, its quite funny. I catch myself saying it, and just laugh. I am not turning into a Mainard! We have a new investigator, but he was sick as well this week. I've only taught him once, but I love to teach him. He doesn't know much about Jesus Christ or anything, so it's fun to see him light up when we talk about doctrine. This night we were fed by a sister. She fed us roast beef, mashed potatoes, and corn. It reminded me of home, and I ate so much. Best meal I've had so far out on the mish! Her husband is not a member either, but we connected their computer up to there t.v and watched Mormon messages. I love Mormon messages. By far the best thing. It can bring such a good feeling into the room within seconds. Everyone watch "Mountains To Climb." It is my favorite, and it touches my every time.
Friday was a harder day, we did alot of tracting in the cold. We gave out a Book Of Mormon, and had had invited 41 people to learn about this gospel this week. It did get frustrating at times, because none of them seemed to go anywhere. There are so many religions out here, and so most people say "I'm all set." That's another one they say a lot. "i'm all set" comes out of everyone's mouth at there door! Haha I was feeling frustrated and then I got a letter in the mail from Ryan. He sent a talk by Jeffery R. Holland to me, which was so perfect for that moment. It talked about when Christ came to the Americas and how he was rejected first. It hit me hard, (once again) Christ is by my side in all things. I have had to lean on the savior a lot, and i'm so thankful for the lessons I've already learned out here! I'm so so thankful for our Savior and what he's done for us! Thank you Ryan for sending me that talk, with your testimony.
Skipping Saturday cause I'm short on time and have to tell you about my eventful Sunday! So we only had sacrament yesterday. The rest was canceled because it was so cold, and the boiler was broke. We were all sitting in sacrament with our winter gear. It was quite hilarious actually! After sacrament meeting I looked up and saw a less active member named Naomi. Sister Collins and I had ran into her twice this week and had shown her tons and tons of love. We ran into her on a random street and at the grocery store. The second she saw me she came running up and gave me the biggest hug! This Lady hadn't been to church in over a year. By far this was the best moment of my mission to see her at church. She is the sweetest lady, and loves to talk my little ear off. She has such a light about her that I just love. Yes she has her marriage problems, and her addictions which I think is what keeps her away from coming. But I was so happy to see her there yesterday!! I also found the lady that works llbean, and she said she would return them for me and get me a new size. I really liked this lady too, so kind to me. The ward really is amazing, and I feel very blessed to be able to get know all of these people. We also had a referral to go and visit this women yesterday. When we knocked on her door, we told her "We are the sister missionaries and were from The Church Of Jesus Christ, we thought you might like a visit today." This women started to bawl, she just kept saying how grateful she was that we were there. She started to cry so hard she couldn't talk and told us to come back later. What a cool moment that was. It really is the small and simple things that can truly change people and make their day. Its moments like that where I love being here. I truly love being a missionary, and I'm very thankful for this opportunity. I know even when were at home by smiling and saying hi to random people can make a difference, you never know what people are going through. By small and simple things, are great things brought to pass.
Have a good week family and friends! I love and miss you lots. Keep me updated! The Church is true!! Sorry I don't have time to reread what I have typed, so please forgive the bad grammar and misspelled words. I don't have the best grammar in the first place, so it might be a train wreck this week. lol, but just know The Church is True, and that Your Heavenly Father loves you way more than we could understand.
Sister Bee
(Taylie also messaged and said they are heading to Manchester today which is 3 hours away for a new missionary meeting. They also have a member that gives them free Subway for lunch, and they were excited to go and eat there today too!)
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Sister Bee with Elliot. |
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Sister Bee and Sister Collins tracting. |