Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Area!!
Happy Sister Bee! 😊
Hello my cute family 💜
I was a little scared to be leaving Manchester. I was just so happy, and I
loved my companion.
My last night in Manchester I stopped by famous Blakes.. It's a diner
there, and they have the best graham cracker ice cream! It was one of
our favorite stops in Manchester. The Banks has us over for dinner,
then we also had a really spiritual lesson with them afterwards!. We
filled out Kiks baptismal record which was very neat as well. The
lesson was going so good, brother Banks even told us that their New
Years goal was to get sealed as a family in the temple this year!! I
have so much love for them, and was so happy to hear that. I think
that's a great goal that they've set. Its such an opportunity that we
can to be sealed together as a family for time and all eternity. I
know that many blessings await them! So can I get a drum roll
please?.... Then after he announces the big news we hear a big scream
out of Sister Banks mouth. We look over to where she was looking and
she was staring at the new big ball pit that their two little boys had
just gotten for Christmas, Rhys, their two year old, was standing in
the ball pit. He had then taken off his diaper and had gone pee in the
ball pit. Hahaha it was so funny. We had chocolate brownies for
dessert, and it was just so funny to look over at a naked baby with
chocolate all over his face and peeing in the ball pit. Such an
entertaining family that I'll miss so much, along with Kiks, I hope
and pray her baptism went great on Saturday!
Tuesday transfer meeting was so good. One of my favorite missionary
meetings. All of the missionaries going home share one "golden truth"
that they've learned on their mission and share a short testimony.
Some very powerful missionaries were there, I feel so privileged to be
serving with all these great friends. It's always such a good day when
I get to see them at meetings. I found out that I had been called to
serve in the Yarmouth area, which I was SO excited for. I went on
an exchange here at the vey first of my mission and LOVED it. I remember
when I was here a year ago thinking to myself, man I would
love to serve here if I ever get the chance. And lo and behold.. Here
I am! I am so grateful to know that Heavenly Father knows my heart,
and knows where I'll be happy. I'm loving Yarmouth so far. We have
WONDERFUL people to teach. It was such a joy to meet all of them this
week. Our area is so cute, part of it is so farm town, that I couldn't
love more, and the other is in Portland ME, which is the most charming
place ever! Oh and my companion. Where do I begin? We get along so
good, sometimes a little too well! I was worried leaving Sister
Hallam, because we had became just the best little friends. But
receiving Sister McVey as a companion has already been such a
blessing. She's hilarious, we laugh all day long! Her sense of humor
just kills me. She played rugby in high school (so total beast, in a
good way) and she's just simply great. She has a strong love for God,
and I love serving with her! The Yarmouth apartment is really nice
too, we accidentally locked ourself outside early this morning with no
shoes and no phone, in the cold, so that was an hour adventure.. We
sure learned from that one, we seriously tried everything, and then we
just laughed for like 10 minutes, but the scared kind of laugh and
then we finally figured how we could break in! Which was good because
we share a house with a lady and we live on the top floor. Other than
that the apartment is great, it's got a dishwasher and washer and
dryer. It's awesome! Yesterday meeting the Yarmouth Branch was great,
good good people here. My area is a very very wealthy area. A lot of
the ward members are lawyers, dermatologist, surgeons etc. It kind of
freaked me out at first just cause I've been used to teaching and
serving around people who are in much more humble circumstances. But
let me tell you how loving and kind the branch, and the people are
here. Even just shopping at the local grocery store today was a whole
different ballgame of people. I feel blessed to be getting to know all
these great people, and to be here in the Yarmouth area. We been so
busy this week, (I haven't even had time to write in my journal..
(Only a missionary would be complaining about that) haha) but it's
been a great busy, I am a much happier person when things are up and
going, and I'm up and doing.
Just a quick few thoughts on the new year.. First off I wish you all a
happy new year. 2016.. Can you believe it!? I sure can't. Being out
here on a mission I've gained a huge testimony on the importance of
goal setting. I prayed to Heavenly Father, and he clearly showed me
things I need to work on this year. I encourage you all to do the
This past week I've thought a lot about the story in the bible of Lot.
When he was commanded to take his family and leave Sodom and Gomorrah.
(Genesis 19) As they left, Lots wife was told in verse 17 to "look not
behind thee." As time went on she did look behind her and turned into
a pillar of salt. I've pondered this story and what we can learn from
it. >>>"LOOK NOT BEHIND THEE!" I love a new year to reflect on the
things we enjoyed of the past year, and the things we have learned.
But we need to remember to look not behind thee, always keep our eyes
set on our future and where we are going. Leave our mistakes, our sins
and weaknesses behind us and move forward. It's such a refreshing
thing to start the new year and to think of the things we want to
start, and the resolutions we also want to set. But this year I've
really considered some things that I want to stop. I know that as we try
to set goals, and ask for Heavenly help that He will help us. I know
all of you can reach any of your goals or the things you want to
achieve this year, just have faith, rely on your Savior, Jesus Christ!
Love you so much. Thank-you for all the prayers, love and support. I
hope you guys have a happy happy week. I seriously have the greatest
family..I think and pray for you guys often. I love you terribly!
Also if you could keep Peter Lewis in your prayers. One of the sisters
that I just love to pieces, her little brother has cancer. So please
keep him in your prayers!
-Sister Bee
Oh-- another plus for serving in Yarmouth and not a city is stars!! I
had missed them so much. So many pretty stars that you can see during
the night here!
New address:
5 Farwell Ave Apt 2
Cumberland ME
This is our church! It looks just like any other church haha |
Transfer meeting! My favorite Missionary meeting! |
Sunday was a good day! Helped in the nursery, got to meet our awesome new branch, and teach some fun lessons to a recent convert and investigator! We also had a great dinner with the awesome Wilson family, which was so enjoyable! |
My companion, Sister McVey! She's a turkey head, and we have sooo much fun together! |