Oh my goodness I am always excited for email time.. But this week I was more excited and anxious than usual!
How the heck are ya doing? I sure hope good!
This week was real good, we had some pretty fun stuff happen including setting a baptism date for our investigator Debbie!! She is so prepared, and so ready for this gospel. September 26th is what we're shooting for. She loves God, and is just simply wonderful to teach. She about blew a gasket when she found out we lived with God before we came here to earth! It was the cutest thing. It amazes me how I've known that for forever and that there are so many people out here in this world that don't know too much about the glorious plan God has designed for us! Makes you think about not taking certain things we know for granted. I love Debbie, and I love to see the light in her shine more and more each day. It's fun to watch her feast on this gospel and the happiness it's bringing her.
We even had some interesting things happen like on Saturday morning we were heading out after studies and heard all this commotion... What was right around the corner from us.. A big Indonesian festival! It was pretty neat, and all the food smelled amazing. People dressed up and dancing. It's really quite cool how diverse New Hampshire is. We decided to do a walk through to see if any of them would be interested in what we have to share. We ended up being stopped at one booth, and met some very kind kind Indonesians, that wanted us to go visit Indonesia with them! A little old lady gave me a free wallet.
So Brother Knight is the ward mission leader, him and his wife Sister Knight are wonderful. Brother knight took us out to subway after our meeting this week. I call them "my missionary parents" haha they make sure we're taken care of and are truly just great people. It's more of like the whole ward taking care of their shelders, (that's what they call us, the she elders!) They're all wonderful they help us out so much. Dad, brother knight and I talked about you this week, at the end of our conversation he said, man I can't wait to meet your dad! It really made me excited for when you two meet. I know I say this like every week, but I have just developed such a love for these people, ward members and just random friends we've tracked into. I was just talking about how great this ward is yesterday with a brother from the ward (brother Chesley) he said he felt bad for missionaries who start out their missions here because it all just goes downhill after you leave the Somersworth ward. Lol ;) Between the pizza night at the Davis', and a birthday/dinner for brother Pouliot with the Pouliot family, dinner with the crazy, but extra cute Thomas twins (both two years old), and a "get to know you better party/dinner" thing at the Hollways with 4 new families of the ward it turned out to be a fun fun week! I'm just grateful they are kind and invite us missionaries to all these fun things. Mom- I'm so happy to hear my bishop called you to talk, what an incredible man Bishop Hunting is.
Many may not be interested in the gospel here, but there are good good people here. For example this week we were tracking a neighborhood, it was warm and not really the best time of day to be out. And a lady declined our offer and we went on our happy little way.. Well about twenty minutes later she comes running down the street with some water for us. More times than not that happens. I just think to myself what a Christ like person to do such a thing. God has some amazing children, and I know He pours out tender mercies upon us all.
I know that God will give us tender mercies and blesses us when we're obedient to the things He asks. Yesterday in church there was a great talk in sacrament on tender mercies. What I really got out of the talk was that there are two parts to tender mercies. Number one being able to recognize the tender mercy, and that it is a tender mercy. And number two receiving the tender mercy.
Friends and family.. I know that there is no such thing as a coincidence. Our loving God is in every fine detail of our lives. I've seen it take place in my life, and in others. Look for those tender mercies from God, they'll change us, and make us marvel even more at how great God is.
A few thoughts I have had this week that I wanted to share is how grateful I am for an UNCHANGEABLE God! One sweet lady we teach and read the Book Of Mormon with belongs to another church, she brought up that the laws and doctrine of her church are changing with the world.. As I was reading in Doctrine and Covenants section 20 verse 17 I found this verse I really liked, it said:
"By these things we know that there is a God in heaven, who is infinite and eternal, from everlasting to everlasting the same unchangeable God, the framer of heaven and earth, and all things which are in them;"
That scripture took me on a scripture chase cause it reminded me of the scripture mastery Moroni 8:18 "For I know that God is not a partial God, neither a changeable being; but he is unchangeable from all eternity to all eternity."
Have you ever been playing a board game and the older sibling or friend changes the rules in the middle of the game when they are losing? Haha it is the most frustrating thing in the world! I think of others times when things change and it's frustrating or confusing. Well not God! He's the same yesterday, today, and forever! I'm beyond grateful in this time and day that we have the doctrine and Christ's gospel set, and we know our path and what we need to do.
"Mans laws cannot make moral, what God has declared immoral." -Dallin H. Oaks.
I'm grateful for inspired men, like our dear Prophet, and his Apostles that are so in tune with God and our Savior. They help us out extremely, and I know that they've been called of God. I'm grateful for Heavenly Father who sent His son for us! So that we can return with Him again.
"I marvel to think that the Son of God would condescend to save us, as imperfect, impure, mistake-prone, and ungrateful as we often are. I have tried to understand the Savior’s Atonement with my finite mind, and the only explanation I can come up with is this: God loves us deeply, perfectly, and everlastingly. I cannot even begin to estimate “the breadth, and length, and depth, and height … [of] the love of Christ.” -President Uchdorf
God loves you, trust in that love ALWAYS! (I've had to learn the meaning of trusting, it's such a hard thing to do, but once we do that we never want to be selfish and not trust again.) I'm so grateful for a trustworthy God that loves us. I've been extremely thankful for the listening ear of our Heavenly Father this week. I don't know what I'd do without Him honestly. During the lonely times He is the one I have to rely on. He hears my prayers, and I know He hears yours as well.
The church is truer than true, and so is the Book Of Mormon.
Have a great day, and an even greater week!
AND..NEVER forget that Sister Bee loves you with her whole heart.
Miss and love you.
-Sister Bee
The weather is FABULOUS today. Not too hot, not too cold! Hello fall :)
So it's almost a month till my birthday, so I'm going to start celebrating now. Haha just like if I was home, I made sure everyone knew that it was my birthday month, and that we should be celebrating it all dang month! ;)
BTW: My apologies.. my whole life I really haven't liked reading long things... (Maybe because I don't have too long on an attention span lol) Any-who this is a really long email.. Haha I know life is busy, and most of you don't have time to read this. BUT I just had so many thoughts I wanted to share! So sorry...
PS: I can read emails anytime through the week during dinner breaks, or after planning.. So therefore you can send me pictures or little note anytime you want, and I would sure love it!
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Elder Millet and Elder Lou with the pictures Brother Coombs drew of them just for fun! |
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Tay's best friend Gram! |
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Indonesian Festival |
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President and Sister Hawks surprised us and came to our ward yesterday!! They are President Stokers counselors and truly terrific! I was so excited to see them :) |